Meet the Owner

In 2022, Asha Augustine was a single mother of a precious 2-year-old boy named Tylin. She wanted to create a job for herself that would allow her to
work and take care of her son at the same time. It wasn't easy juggling motherhood and work, but she knew she had to make it work. Besides being a mom, she's always had a passion for fashion, specifically dressing up her son in the cutest clothes and sharing his photos on her Instagram account. It brought her so much joy and happiness seeing him look
adorable and stylish. With that said, she realized that she already had a model in place for her own clothing business! Knowing that she had a son that could
show off her designs and products to the world, it was an opportunity that she just couldn't pass on. Therefore, she started her own online children's custom
clothing shop, and it's been an incredible journey so far! She gets to do what she loves while taking care of her son, and it's everything she ever wanted and
more. Thank you for taking the time to read her story, and she hopes her journey inspires other moms out there to pursue their dreams while taking care of their children.